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CIRCLE FEE {{_CircleCurrency | uppercase}} {{_circleFees | number:2}}
First Total: {{sharedNumberValues.chapterEventsNumbersTotal}} Average: {{sharedNumberValues.chapterEventsNumbersAverage}}
Second Total: {{sharedNumberValues.chapterEventsTotalNumbersTotal}} Average: {{sharedNumberValues.chapterEventsTotalNumbersAverage}}
   EVENTS ({{_circleLogCount}})       CHAPTERS ({{_circleChapterCount}})
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{{eventCard.SecureAddress }}
{{eventCard.EventDate | date:'fullDate' }}   {{eventCard.EventTime}}
Video Event Image
Event numbers: {{eventCard.setNumber | number:2}} , {{eventCard.setTotal | number:2}}
{{row.City |truncate:true:20:'...'}} {{row.Country |truncate:true:20:'...'}}
{{row.EventDate | date:'mediumDate' }}
Event numbers: {{row.setNumber | number:2}} , {{row.setTotal | number:2}}
No more Events... Total: {{eventItems.length}}


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